martes, agosto 08, 2006

Neckless: Siderastrea Radians Argentea

Siderastrea Radians is a coral that lives in the Caribbean seas, I look the shape and the name and I made it with silver. Later I change the name to Caral that is the oldest city in South America about 100 Kms form Lima to the north.

I used the wax casting technique to get the shape and texture, and took me about 3 months to finish it and it's aproximetly 300 grms of 950 silver, just in time for the most important silver contest in Peru: Patronato de la Plata Peru 2006

M.Aldito.Arte... El Aldo+Pilar

Fox tail bracelet

950 Silver, handmade
M.Aldito.Arte... El Aldo+Pilar